Currently showing in the exhibition The Wave by Collecteurs, the curators Angels Miralda and Carolina Martinez recounts; “The allusion created by Elizabeth Gallón Droste and Daniela Medina Poch to the necessity of rethinking cultural heterogeneity and the connections between human and non-human bodies through submersion in crystalline waters reappears in Beatrice Alvestad Lopez’s performance Elemental Bodies. This ceremony is inspired by theories of hydrofeminism and possible posthuman manifestations through dynamic links between water and life. A still frame shows the artist on the shores of tranquil waters with its own sound. The listener is immersed in a state of calm meditation. This scene becomes a ceremony where long and thin tubes buried in the thick sand accompany the steps of Alvestad that come and go. Water is collected and served through vessels to the earth once again, recreating a cycle and exchange between natural elements that have been interrupted. This ritual exercise culminates – for now – with the artist’s immersion in these waters and the convocation of fire. The movements and elements in this action evoke the concept of Earth’s deep time, a creature formed through molten layers, that shelters everything found within”. Link; The Wave / Elemental Bodies

Elemental Bodies

Performance ritual in Ålvik, Norway. A bodily immersion in water and near fire. Water runs through delicate glass tubes as I approach the watery element and charge myself on the heated pebbles near the sparkling orange flames – the body exist in between.


The Wave and the Womb at An Lanntair Gallery


Beaver Rituals at Rejmyre Art Lab